Digital Economy Innovation

Beyond ‘Garbage In, Garbage Out’: The Complexity of AI’s Output

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the power to transform the way we live, work, and interact with one another. The potential of AI is incredible, and as a result, entire industries will be transformed, leading to significant improvements in commerce, health, education, governance, and quality of life. However, it’s crucial not to underestimate the impact of AI on society, as we’re still uncertain about how it will evolve.

As an AI model, ChatGPT is a game changer. ChatGPT was asked to a speech by aliens who are disappointed in humans and it did. It was also told to write a speech by aliens who are impressed with humans and it did.

In both cases, ChatGPT responded with interesting and insightful remarks.

click to read the speeches >>

Insightful Speeches by ChatGPT: Impressions and Disappointments of Aliens towards Humanity


AI cannot think for itself.

Despite its apparent sophistication in terms of power and speed, AI is only able to follow instructions and use data collected from interactions with humans. AI systems lack the intuition and creativity of humans and are limited by their programming.

ChatGPT’s responses are a result of the patterns it has learned from vast amounts of text data, specifically through neural networks determined by pre-existing questions and answers. The quality of training data is particularly important, as the principle of “Garbage In, Garbage Out” applies to AI. The quality of the output is directly related to the quality of the input.

However, ChatGPT cannot be accurately described as “the sophistication of Garbage In, Garbage Out.”

Although the quality of the input may affect the quality of its responses, ChatGPT uses sophisticated algorithms and techniques to generate responses to user input. The complexity of the model, the quality of its training data, and the nature of its algorithms all play a role in determining the final output generated in response to user input.

Change the world, Recognize limitations

AI certainly has the potential to change the world as we know it, and ChatGPT is an example that highlights the power of AI. In advancing the development, improvement and usage AI systems, it’s crucial to recognize their limitations as well as ethical, philosophical and regulatory aspects and not underestimate their impact on society. Myths or stereotypes are not useful or helpful. Leveraging AI for improving overall quality of life and sustainable development, and maximizing its potential and ensure that it benefits all humanity requires increased understanding of the role of AI in society and how it works.

Author: Jide Awe,

Science, Technology and Innovation policy advisor.

Find him on Twitter @jidaw